Our expertise
Together we shape your digital transformation
Today and in the future, IT and business can no longer be thought of separately – IT is business and business is IT. You know that. They are aware that in a digitalized economy, their IT organization will become a business-critical driver of value creation. That’s why you face massive challenges, in terms of aspects such as performance, innovation, scalability, interoperability, security, flexibility and agility. Digital transformation requires your company to be able to continuously transform and evolve. Successful digitization means change.
Continuous Business Transformation
Develop the transformation capability of your entire company
Competitive Products & Innovation
Increase creativity, quality and speed in product development
Competitive Products & Innovation
Increase creativity, quality and speed in product development
Scalable & Flexible IT Platform
Designing success factors for scalable and flexible IT - internally and externally
Scalable & flexible IT platform
Design success factors for scalable
and flexible IT -
internally and externally
Ensuring the sustainable success of your projects
Ensure the sustainable success of your projects
Together we shape your digital transformation
Today and in the future, IT and business can no longer be thought of separately – IT is business and business is IT.
You know that.
They are aware that in a digitalized economy, their IT organization will become a business-critical driver of value creation. That’s why you face massive challenges, in terms of aspects such as performance, innovation, scalability, interoperability, security, flexibility and agility. Digital transformation requires your company to be able to continuously transform and evolve. Successful digitization means change.
Our expertise
Maximum impact at all levels
The purpose of our work is to always maximize the impact of your strategic objectives. That’s why we don’t want to sell you ready-made solutions or specific tools. First of all, we want to understand your strategic goals. Only then can we work out the effective success factors with which you can actually achieve these goals. Based on these success factors, we use the intelligent and interdisciplinary networking of our experts to form a team that provides you with optimal support.
We combine our almost 20 years of industry and specialist experience as a business and IT consultancy with state-of-the-art methods and technologies. In this way, we can achieve positive effects at various levels in the company:
- At the level of the company as a whole, its strategy, culture, structures and processes.
- In the actual core value creation, in the development of products that meet the needs of your customers.
- In the digital backbone of the company, in the strategic, organizational and procedural design of your IT.
Results, no excuses
Because we understand your business from the inside, we can advise you along your entire value chain, including across companies. But no matter at which level, for which objective and with which mix of expertise – our maxim is always “Results, no excuses.” Our core promise is that we will lead your project to success. And not “by contract”, but “by impact”. So that you can remain competitive in the future.
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Agile Enablement
Future-proof with an agile organization
In a VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity), companies, supply chains and networks are constantly facing new challenges – from the pandemic, material shortages, energy crises, inflation and digital disruption. Despite market volatility and uncertainty, companies must remain responsive and competitive – and see the situation as a starting point for creativity, market design and business opportunities. If companies want to position themselves in the best possible way, they must continuously reinvent themselves. Our accompanying coaching promotes the necessary mindset and opens up important advantages: earlier value creation, greater flexibility, better products.
Holistic transformation consulting
Our holistic transformation consulting covers all relevant dimensions: Culture & Leadership, Organization & Structure, Methods & Processes, Tooling & Toolchain. We advise and coach you individually in all these dimensions, from the implementation of agile procedures at team level to the agile alignment of complex organizations. We combine different thinking models such as learning organization, systemic thinking, emergence, etc. with our practical experience. We attach particular importance not only to delivering agile frameworks, but also to establishing an agile mindset in your company. Along the way, we support you with change management expertise and the appropriate workshop modules. So that the self-organized teams in your company can take on more responsibility as agile maturity grows.
Customized agilization
As agile coaches and agile enablers, we want to find and develop tailor-made solutions for you depending on the situation. We select frameworks and methods individually according to your use case. Our consulting is always related to the business context. We make decisions more often based on lived experience and empirical data than on theoretical concepts. And because cross-functional teams are a key success factor, we proactively network with colleagues from different disciplines and bundle different expertise – so that the greatest possible added value is created for you.
“We advise and coach you individually from the implementation of agile approaches at team level to the agile alignment of a complex organization.”
– Helen Gebre, Ventum Consulting
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Business Intelligence
Decisions on a resilient basis: through business intelligence and a company-wide data culture
The principle of data-driven business is crucial for the future viability of companies: it is essential to make sound business decisions based on solid data. Your company generates and collects a lot of data. The data sources in the business context are constantly growing – and changing. The challenge for you is to valorize this data in a volatile landscape for yourself and for others in good time. You need to free the data from the BI competence center, so to speak, and establish a forward-looking data culture throughout the company.
New data sources and state-of-the-art technologies
Whether it’s key figure reporting or new data assets that offer added value for your customers as part of products and services: You need to analyze historical data and integrate new data sources using state-of-the-art technologies. With our user-centric approach, we use our many years of experience with agile methods to meet the specific requirements of your data projects. A cloud architecture leads to an efficient and scalable data landscape. When modeling more complex data warehouses, we use the Data Vault methodology with Datavault Builder, among other tools. We promote the data culture in your company with a data governance framework and a data catalog. All of this creates the basis for data-driven decisions, process optimization and innovative data assets in your company.
Interdisciplinary know-how for your data value creation
We combine tool, infrastructure and industry expertise. Our interdisciplinary team offers you a comprehensive consulting approach that covers the entire value chain of your data and bundles the necessary expertise from areas such as agile enablement, process automation, enterprise architecture management and project management. We support you in matters of strategy and data governance, understand your technical challenges and have the implementation expertise for a wide range of data warehouse, data lake and reporting technologies. This enables you to get the entire data value chain under control.
Improved data literacy thanks to customized training for Microsoft Power BI
Power BI is the business intelligence platform from Microsoft. With Power BI, organizations can present data from multiple sources in interactive dashboards and reports and seamlessly integrate with other Miscrosoft apps. To get the most out of the platform and improve users’ data literacy, Ventum Consulting offers two types of in-house training:
user training courses provide participants with basic knowledge, while expert training courses are aimed at advanced users and include setting up infrastructures, creating complex reports and sophisticated programming. In both cases, you benefit from the handling of your individual challenges, first-class training materials, our modern and appealing premises in Munich and, last but not least, long-term support in the successful implementation of Power BI.
Contact us now and make an appointment for your in-house Power BI training!
“Thanks to advanced analytics and the use of artificial intelligence, you can not only make decisions based on historical data, but also model future developments. The crystal ball has had its day.”
– Michael Schobel-Thoma, Ventum Consulting
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Cyber Security & Compliance
So that you are always the
decisive step ahead of your attackers
Securing one’s own business in turbulent times brings new challenges for every company every day. Nowadays, companies interact with their employees, customers and partners in a variety of ways, with constantly increasing attack rates on all digital channels. Attack vectors have long since ceased to be generic or easily comprehensible. In doing so, it is important for you to secure your business without constantly redefining all measures. Finally, you still need time to implement compliance requirements, prepare audits and keep documentation up to date. It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain an overview and quickly identify what is essential in a world of growing complexity and frequently changing standards. Information security, cyber resilience and compliance: All of this requires know-how and time resources.
Reliable security and compliance for your daily business
We cover all important areas of information security for you, from a solid organizational foundation (Strategy & Information Security Management) to compliance with legal and regulatory requirements (Risk & Compliance) to focus areas such as Identity and Access Management (IAM), Customer IAM (CIAM) and Security Information & Event Management (SIEM). We go far beyond management: Our expertise in penetration testing helps you identify as many attack vectors as possible – so that security gaps are closed before cybercriminals exploit them. Our experienced consultants define SW solutions for digital identity management and successfully implement them in projects ranging from 10 to 10,000,000 identities.
Our approach: individual – transparent – personal – sustainable
We understand IT, from the hardware to the store floor to the business. Whether on-premise, cloud or hybrid concepts: managing complexity and meeting diverse requirements is our daily business. Thanks to the many years of implementation and consulting expertise of our employees, we overcome the challenges in practice – even under difficult conditions, we lead your project to measurable success. We also want you to know how to help yourself in the medium term. So that your company is protected at all times – and you can concentrate on your business.
“Together, we increase your cyber resilience in a sustainable way – to prevent damage and minimize risks.”
– Tobias Reuter, Ventum Consulting
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Digital Customer Engagement
Your way to satisfied and loyal customers
The digital transformation is creating new challenges in the interaction between companies and their customers. Today, customers expect a personalized, exciting and consistent shopping and service experience – regardless of the channel. It is not enough to add a digital commerce platform to your offline business. You need efficient, digital and integrated customer communication without system breaks and manual intervention. To obtain a holistic customer view, you need to identify the necessary data from an ever-increasing number of on-premise and cloud applications and merge them in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations. This is the only way you can answer customer inquiries immediately and competently and provide tailored offers across all channels.
The customer lifecycle is digital
We ensure project success in your digitization projects: from strategic goal formulation and enterprise architecture to tenders, technical conception and implementation management to market launch. We connect the digital world with your offline business and align your IT strategy with the requirements and needs of your customers. Together with your experts, we identify the relevant functionalities along individual customer journeys – so that you can offer your customers unique shopping and service experiences. When designing your business and IT architecture, we take into account future-proof approaches from microservices to the cloud. We create cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs and ensure the functional interaction between enterprise backend and customer frontend.
Know-how, frameworks and assets for your project success
At Ventum, we combine experience with customer lifecycles from a wide range of industries. We are not interested in visions – with our expertise in digital transformation, we design tangible solutions that work for you. We have also incorporated our know-how into frameworks and tools that make our projects more efficient and your solutions even more successful. The result: thanks to digital customer engagement, your customers become loyal brand ambassadors.
“Digital Customer Engagement enables better measurement and ergo control of the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing campaigns through the targeted use of data.”
– Christoph Römer, Ventum Consulting
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Digital Engineering & Manufacturing
Maximum efficiency for your product development
To digitalize effectively, you need to network systems and rethink your processes. (Inter)cultural, organizational, informational and technological disruptions along the entire product life cycle must be overcome. In addition, your customers have growing demands on the customizability of your end product and regularly request functional enhancements. Products are becoming more complex, development cycles shorter. As a result, you need to increase the efficiency of digital engineering and reduce production costs – without compromising on quality.
Through collaboration to digital, iterative product lifecycles
Digital product lifecycles promise more innovation in less time. However, this requires a paradigm shift: with interdisciplinary collaboration and information consistency – from early, iterative product development through to aftersales. We understand your entire value creation networks from a process, organizational and cross-industry perspective. We know how to comprehensively link your departmental and IT processes and realize opportunities through IT innovations. We use the synergies of data and digitalization to rethink products and manufacturing processes. We also support industrialization through model-based systems engineering – because MBSE makes the complexity of mechatronic and cybertronic systems manageable.
Sustainable agility and targeted pragmatism
The aim of digitalization is to give you back your ability to act and sustainable agility through networking. The basis for this is implementation-oriented consulting along the dimensions of culture, structure, information and technology. Thanks to our broad practical knowledge, we bring your digitization onto the road (or into the metaverse). The basis of our consulting work for you: clear, comprehensible target images, a common language level, implementation competence and goal-oriented pragmatism.
“With their intercultural expertise, Ventum consultants create a basis for discussion in order to solve complex and challenging tasks with the right technological background. They are therefore a decisive success factor in our collaboration program.”
– E/E subproject manager, collaboration project of two truck OEMs
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Enterprise Architecture Management
The enterprise architecture you need for your digital transformation
Traditional enterprise architecture management was characterized by long-term objectives, realistic planning and concrete implementation steps. This is no longer enough for the digital transformation of companies today. The task is to combine EAM and agility. Because you are dealing with new competitors, new business models and innovative technologies. Products and services are moving to center stage. User Stories. DevOps. Today, you need to use EAM to manage fast-moving change, get a handle on complexity, and build bridges between IT and business.
A consistent business-IT alignment
Future-proof IT needs consistent business-IT alignment. This begins with the alignment of your IT strategy with corporate strategy and important trends, continues with a holistic enterprise architecture that is clearly oriented to implementation needs, and ends with implementation in the form of projects and initiatives. We know classic corporate structures as well as agile organizations and support you with our specialist process knowledge. We provide proven templates and ensure the methodical approach: ACTUAL, TARGET, transition steps. And this at all architectural levels – process, application, data object and technology.
Exactly the intersection of expertise you need
We are interested in a pragmatic approach that always keeps the big picture in mind and pays attention to complex interrelationships, investments and scalability. To achieve this, we combine precisely the expertise and disciplines that you really need. We form the intersection of EAM, product lifecycle management, agile and project management. We also provide you with innovation and impetus for new technology fields and architecture trends – from supply chain law to GAIA-X, from cloud to Platform 3.0. We always develop the new architecture in close cooperation with you. The result is well thought-out and structured results that everyone can support. Simply because they were involved in delivering them.
“Thanks to Ventum’s business and IT architecture expertise, the foundation was laid for successful, cross-brand collaboration in MAN Engineering.
They helped us to establish efficient and seamless processes.”
– Jan Gerlach, Program Manager Collaboration Process & IT, MAN Engineering
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IT Sourcing & Transformation
How to find sourcing partners at eye level
A future-proof IT organization that wants to focus on the activities with the highest strategic relevance needs a portfolio of high-performance service providers. Every IT organization needs its own individual sourcing strategy. You are also faced with the challenge of finding service providers who are not content to simply fulfill the SLAs, but who offer you the added value of acting as a true partner. The data protection impact assessment in accordance with the GDPR is also mandatory. It is therefore important to design your tendering process in such a way that both are completely clear: what you want and what you will receive in terms of services.
Compare potential partners sensibly
Based on the needs of your business, we create the sourcing strategy for you. We clarify what can be outsourced more economically and for which core processes insourcing makes sense. Only then do we structure and write the tender for you, either on our own or together with your relevant departments. With our market knowledge we support you in the selection of the providers to be invited. To evaluate the offers, we provide your departments with overviews that simplify and accelerate the assessment. For example, we automate the legal documentation so that we can focus entirely on your individual requirements. We also support you in selecting the best partner, in negotiating and drafting contracts and in the IT transition.
Only an end-to-end approach ensures success
We don’t want to sell you a tool – we are completely independent in the selection of tools and partners. Our aim is always to identify and implement the best solution for you. We are interested in a sourcing process that takes into account the operation and continued existence of the new solution from the outset and always keeps an eye on the consequences for the organization, processes and architecture. Our work for you doesn’t stop until the new sourcing partner is truly on board and operational. We act as your Trusted Advisor in sourcing – as a partner you can rely on.
“Your new sourcing partner should meet the same requirements that our clients have for Ventum Consulting: Trusted partnerships that truly understand and advance your business.”
– Thomas Buchner, Ventum Consulting
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Process Automation
Automation with the help of AI and robotics – the efficiency driver par excellence
What you need is clear: You need more transparency about business processes and want to increase productivity, on a business process level as well as on a strategic level.
However, your automation projects often progress only agonizingly slowly. Or they even fail. Getting process automation right and actually using it to increase efficiency and improve the use of resources is a challenge for many companies. One reason is the fact that successful automation and target-oriented Business Process Management (BPM) require both technical and functional changes in the organization.
End-to-end automation as a goal
We take a holistic view of Process Automation. Through our knowledge of state-of-the-art technologies, we identify which solution is best for you. We drive the API-ization of your IT landscape, build a mappable business architecture and use the business capability approach. Our idea of automation does not end with rule-based business processes – we want to create end-to-end automation, with the constant goal of complete dark processing using artificial intelligence. In this way, you not only reduce costs in your business processes. You also relieve your employees of repetitive tasks and develop them more and more into knowledge workers.
Positive effects that remain noticeable in the long term
We are not a software distributor and we do not work in resource pools. We assemble a cross-functional team of experienced consultants with different professional backgrounds. We support you with comprehensive knowledge at infrastructure level, specialist industry knowledge and expertise in change management and organizational development. Because our goal is not only to make your automation work as quickly as possible – we want the positive effects to be felt permanently in your company. That is why we always make sure that your organization carries the changes.
“The right information to the right person at the right time! Everything must be geared to the efficient processing of orders.”
– Patrick Bernardi, Manager Digital Transformation,DKB Service
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Project Management & Turnaround
Our passion for your sustainable project success
Do you have many status lights on red? Are you increasingly under the impression that the project plans are not reliable? Do you have no overview of project progress and costs? Are some projects even threatening to fail? This usually means that there is no systematic approach to project work in the company. However, this is essential if you want to create the necessary transparency regarding costs, quality and time in your projects.
From initialization to successful completion
First, it is important to specify your challenges and strengthen your project structures. Precise requirements and clear structures are the basis for effective collaboration. Because only a functioning team, united by a common vision, can produce excellent results. With our support and industry expertise, you increase the added value of your projects. End-to-end: from initialization, planning and implementation to successful project completion – even when your project seems to have failed. Methodologically, we have our finger on the pulse. We not only offer you modern, certified and tried-and-tested project management know-how, but also expertise in the field of agile enablement.
We make your project our project
As experienced project managers, we have in-depth professional and technical knowledge. Pragmatic implementation is more important to us than rigidly following standards. The focus is on the benefit. That’s why we work with you to find realistic, flexible and customized solutions. We operate at the interface between business and IT. We understand your technical challenges and contribute our comprehensive industry expertise. Analytical, planned and creative. We have years of experience in all types of projects and are always available to you as a sparring partner at eye level. In short: we make your project our project.
“If I need a task force in the future, I’m thinking Ventum!”
– Frank Pieper, Head of Department, BMW AG
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User Experience
Your users at the center of development
Have you noticed that many users are dissatisfied with your software and complain about complicated operation and cumbersome processes? Are complaints about non-intuitive user guidance or a lack of customization options piling up? High efficiency and effectiveness are only basic requirements for a well-designed user experience (UX) – it is equally important to trigger positive emotions in users. Whether your software only has a few expert users every day or many thousands: your software must meet the needs of users. In a convincing way.
Customized software experiences
Only a modern UX and the corresponding software design deliver a user experience meeting their needs: user-centric, benefit-oriented and sustainable. User-centric thinking does not start with the product or the project but with the corporate culture. Together with you, we therefore design a UX strategy for the cultural change to a user-centered company: from the first small impulse to the long-term campaign. Creativity and innovation are central to future-proof UX design. Design thinking makes that possible. As a source of advice and ideas, we guide you through methods and processes. We use our agile toolbox and work with you to develop personas, user journeys, data models and software architecture – for user-centered software design.
Development processes that make you fit for the future
Just as you align your products with the needs of the users, we develop our solutions for you: tailor-made according to your ideas. Optimization beyond the horizon instead of decoupled isolated solutions. Value-oriented innovation instead of solution schemes from the archive. Agility in processes and IT instead of rigid development cycles. We support you in requirements engineering & management and deliver a structured but flexible plan for your product development. We involve the relevant stakeholders from business and IT at an early stage, thus ensuring acceptance of the new solution. Our central goal: We make your development processes fit for the future.
“Agile UX will become key to human-centric digital transformation in the near future.”
– Matthias G. Müller, independent UX consultant