1. preface
2. complaint handling procedure
All customers, potential customers and other stakeholders affected by the business activities of Ventum Consulting GmbH & Co. KG may lodge complaints. They are hereinafter referred to as the complainants.
The complaints department of Ventum Consulting GmbH & Co. KG is responsible for handling complaints.
Complaints can be addressed to Ventum Consulting GmbH & Co. KG in writing (by mail or electronically) or verbally. Electronically submitted complaints can be sent to the following e-mail address.
Postal complaints should be addressed to:
Ventum Consulting GmbH & Co KG
Complaint Management
Georg-Brauchle-Ring 23-25
80992 Munich
We need the following information to process the complaint:
- Identity (name) of the complainant
- full contact details of the complainant (address, telephone number, e-mail address, if applicable)
- Description of the facts
- Formulation of the request or indication of what is to be achieved by the complaint (e.g. correction of errors, improvement of services, clarification of a disagreement).
- Copies of the documents necessary for understanding the process
- proof that this person is authorized to represent Ventum Consulting GmbH & Co. KG if the complainant contacts Ventum Consulting GmbH & Co. KG in the name of and on behalf of another person.
Upon receipt of the complaint, Ventum Consulting GmbH & Co. KG will send an acknowledgement of receipt to the complainant. If we are able to process the complaint immediately, the complainant will receive an answer instead of the confirmation of receipt.
A response to the complainant’s complaint will be provided within 15 working days, depending on the complexity and scope of the matter.
Ventum Consulting GmbH & Co. KG aims to respond to the complaint as soon as possible.
If Ventum Consulting GmbH & Co. KG does not uphold the complainant’s complaint or does not uphold it in full, the complainant will receive an understandable explanation of the reasons.
3. other
The processing of complaints is free of charge for the complainant.
We review these principles at regular intervals and publish them on our website.
4. further complaint possibilities
Information on the possibility of out-of-court dispute resolution can be found in our imprint.